Design UI themes for Galaxy mobile devices using Themes Studio and sell to the world, all without coding.

Galaxy Themes is a premium decorative content service available on Samsung Galaxy device all around the world. The Galaxy Themes Studio tool helps designers to create compelling UI experience and content easily.
In this video, we solve the problem of updating and re-ordering the channel list on the Samsung NU, LS and RU Series TV - when renaming the channel list is g. In the Command Prompt, enter the command adb connect (your TV’s IP). This will show you that you are connected to Run the command install D install.apk (this is the file location of your app). Be patient for a while as the download is under process.
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To become a themes designer, you must submit an application with at least three mock-up theme designs. Applications are only accepted during certain times of the year, the Themes Submission Open Window. Your design will be reviewed by the Themes team, and if approved you will receive access to Galaxy Themes Studio.
Already an approved Samsung Themes Partner? Click the link below to access the Themes Partner page.
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Here's Tony Morelan, Senior Developer Advocate at Samsung Developers, describing how to create and submit Galaxy Themes.
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