Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future. Version: 1.0.0 over 1 year ago. Download (99 MB) A recreation of the famous JJBA arcade game by capcom in the famous MUGEN engine. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage For The Future 2 is a fan-made fighting game for Jojo fans made using the M.U.G.E.N Engine. This is a fan sequel to the popular 2D fighting game 'JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage For The Future'. You can play as a large cast of 80 characters from Phantom Blood to Steel Ball Run, as well as 62 stages to. To Unlo.
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Jojo Heritage For The Future Rom Android
PalMod can be downloaded from here. New improved versions (newly found palettes, new sprites, adding support for other requests) are being released about once a week right now. I'll update this message when I'm 'done' and stop making updates. Until that point, it's a good plan to check for updates before editing.

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PalMod supports palette editing for a lot of games:
Game System | Games Currently Supported |
CPS1 | Street Fighter 2: Championship Edition (SF2:CE) Street Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting (SF2:HF) |
CPS2 | Marvel Super Heroes (MSH), Marvel Superheroes vs Street Fighter (MSHvSF), Marvel vs Capcom (MvC), Ring of Destruction: Slam Masters 2, Street Fighter Alpha 1 (SFA1), Street Fighter Alpha 2 (SFA2), Street Fighter Alpha 3 (SFA3), Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (SFZ2A), Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (USA 970904), Super Street Fighter II: Super Turbo (ST), Vampire Hunter 2, Vampire Savior (VSAV), Vampire Savior 2 (VSAV2), X-Men: Children of the Atom (COTA), X-Men vs Street Fighter (XvsF) |
CPS3 | Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future (Jojos / HFTF), Street Fighter III: New Generation (NG), Street Fighter III: Second Impact (2i), Street Fighter III: Third Strike (3S), Street Fighter III: 4rd Strike (Third Strike hack), War-zard / Red Earth (EURO 961121) |
Dreamcast | Marvel vs Capcom 2 (MvC2), Street Fighter III: Third Strike (3S) |
GBA | Super Street Fighter II X / Turbo - Revival (SSF2T:GBA) |
NAOMI | Marvel vs Capcom 2 (MvC2), Capcom vs SNK 2 (CvS2), Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper |
Neo-Geo MVS | Art of Fighting 1, Art of Fighting 3, Breakers Revenge, Double Dragon, Garou: Mark of the Wolves (Garou), Karnov's Revenge / Fighter's History Dynamite, King of Fighters '94 (KOF94), King of Fighters '95 (KOF95), King of Fighters '96 (KOF96), King of Fighters '97 (KOF97), King of Fighters '98 (KOF98), King of Fighters '99 Anniversary Edition (KOF99AE), King of Fighters 2000N, King of Fighters 2001 (KOF01), King of Fighters 2002 (KOF02), King of Fighters 2003: 2004 Ex Ultra Plus, King of the Monsters, Kizuna Encounter, Last Blade, Last Blade 2, Matrimelee, Neo Bomberman, Ninja Master's, Rage of the Dragons, Real Bout Fatal Fury (RBFF), Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (RBFF2), Real Bout Fatal Fury Special 2 (RBFFS), Samurai Shodown I, Samurai Shodown II, Samurai Shodown III, Samurai Shodown IV, Samurai Shodown V, Samurai Shodown V Special (SamSho5SP), Savage Reign, SNK vs Capcom: SVC Chaos, Super Dodge Ball, Waku Waku 7, Windjammers |
Sammy Atomiswave | King of Fighters XI (KOFXI), NeoGeo Battle Coliseum (NGBC) |
Nintendo DS | Bleach: Dark Souls |
Playstation 2 | Marvel vs Capcom 2 (MvC2), Street Fighter III: Third Strike (3S) |
Sega Genesis | Top Fighter 2005 |
Super Nintendo | Battle Master: KnS, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: Jogai Ranto!? Shuyaku Sodatsusen, Clay Fighter: Tournament Edition, Dragon Ball Z: Hyper Dimension, Fatal Fury Special, Gundam Wing: Endless Duel, Killer Instinct, Marvel Super Heroes: War of the Gems, Mega Man X, Mega Man X2, Mega Man X3, Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Fighting Edition, Ranma 1/2: Hard Battle, Super Variable Geo (Japan) support, X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse |
Steam | Garou: Mark of the Wolves (Garou), GGXX:AC+R, King of Fighters 2002: Ultimate Match (KOF02:UM) |
Other | Dan-Ku-Ga, Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax IGNITION (DBFCI), Under Night In-Birth EXE:Late[clr] (UNICLR) |
Jojo Heritage For The Future Android Games

This supported games list is mostly the games that we enjoy playing. PalMod is extensible both for new games and for newly discovered palettes within existing games: the Guides section below covers how to figure out the data that PalMod needs. I don't have a specific terms of service on what I need from you to get your game supported, but generally the more information you dig up and the more people interested, the more likely it is that support is added. If there's some palette or sprite missing from a game we support, there are guides below that will help you dig that information up so that I can integrate it.
Quickest Possible Get Started Guide
- Download and extract out all the PalMod files
- Download and extract out the ROM for the game you care about. Save a copy of the game ZIP 'just in case'.
- Open PalMod and use File :: Load ROM to open that ROM. You will need to change the file filter in the bottom right from 'COTA' to whatever game you want to edit.
- Make changes!
- Copy that modified ROM file back into the ZIP.
- You can now load that ROM into your favorite emulator: have fun!
Heritage For The Future Wiki

- Read Me: overview of PalMod's options
- PalMod version history. Boring release notes.
- Customizing MvC2 with PalMod.
- Gallery of MvC2 palmods.
- PalModding in 2020: Guide to PalModding Jojo's.
- External: How to PalMod on Android using Exagear
- External: Creating PalMod Previews with GIMP
- External: Making previews with FF3

Video Guides
- YouTube: Short and Sweet PalMod Guide.
- YouTube: The Comprehensive Guide of Palmodding and Rom-Splitting JoJo HFTF for Fightcade 2. Great recent intro guide on how to PalMod Jojo's. Even if you're not PalModding Jojo's, it does a great job of introducing you to PalMod.
- YouTube: The 2020 PalMod Tutorial: Very quick guide showing how to get up and running.
- YouTube: How to PalMod King of Fighters 2002UM. A 2020 guide using the currentish version: this is a great place to start.
- YouTube: MVC2 Custom Mix Tutorial. Uses an older version of PalMod, but still very useful.
- YouTube: Introduction to PalModding Third Strike. Uses the old PalMod from 2008, but it's still useful. Covers how to use GIMP alongside PalMod to 'copy' sprites if you want to do that.
- YouTube: PalModding JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Also out of date since it uses PalMod 2008: PalMod 2020 directly supports Jojo's ROMs now, which makes things much easier.
- YouTube: A Comprehensive guide to PalModding for JoJos Bizarre Adventure. Also out of date since it uses PalMod 2008: PalMod 2020 directly supports Jojo's ROMs now, which makes things much easier.
Development / Contributing
Jojo Heritage For The Future Android Download
Development is ongoing: the source code can be found on GitHub here. There's a Discord server coordinating this: hit me up on Twitter for info. Most of the games added so far in 2020 were added because people showed interest in those games and/or helped out on finding the needed info.

Back in 2007, a bunch of us led by Suupabuu (aka knarxed, a SF3S romhacker) got together to make it possible to customize the character palettes in MvC2 for Dreamcast and other games by hacking palette files. The 2008 version of PalMod got to a vaguely stable state for editing SF3 and MvC2 with version 1.22. We then we all went on our way to do other cool things. Various other game fan communities leveraged the last released build to support their games via various hacks and other modifications.
In 2020, I finally had the time to come back to PalMod. I have fixed up all the old crashes and memory and ROM corruption issues in the old codebase, extended it to support a variety of new games, and have been working with a small team of excellent people to expand PalMod's palette knowledge and sprite coverage.
The 2008 PalMod team was lead by Suupabuu, who was assisted by Eidrian, Magnetro, and myself (Preppy).
The 2020 PalMod team is being lead by myself, with TVIndustries handling the sprite work. Additional significant contributors include stringofletters, mountainmanjed, Moon Tzu, IceManual, rengod, tobemorecrazy, Termi, Julian 'zass' Beasley, and all the people who have worked over the years on sprite ripping.
- How to PalMod BlazBlue Centralfiction for Steam
- Use the All in One Tool to PalMod Akatsuki Blitzkampf, Arcana Heart, Senran Kagura.
- VirtualTek Fighter Factory. Fantastic tool for editing MUGEN character sprite archives.
- How to use Visual Boy Advance to find the hex locations for GBA/DS colors/palettes. You can then specify those locations in PalMod using your UnknownE extra files while in Unknown Game :: GBA color mode to edit them. Or use a hex editor. :)
- For old Sega platform games, there's HivePal 2.2 (and the older Hive Pal 0.2.7, and PaletteBatch).
- Updating your CPS3 hardware with your custom SF3 burn.
- Palettes of Rage: Update your Streets of Rage (Mega Drive/Genesis) palettes.
- BizHawk: You can use their 'bsnes' core and Graphics Debugger to sprite-capture Nintendo games.