With entire fleets at your command, you must strategically deploy vessels from every class - frigate to aircraft to nuclear submarine - to maintain the precarious balance of naval power and gain position for the deadly endgame. Add file Jane's Fleet Command v1.38 Patch. Games: Fleet Command: Files. Jane's fleet command on windows 10. More CCleaner 5.83.9050. 30MB - Freeware - CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool.
Jane's Fleet Command (JFC) is a naval based real time wargame developed with the help of Sonalysts, Inc., who also developed Jane's 668I Attack Sub simulation. Given their knowledge of naval platforms displayed in 688I, one would expect this game to be flowing with high-end detail and realism and, for the most part, you would be correct. If you're expecting the complexity or depth of Harpoon, however, you'll be in for a rude awakening. JFC is a lighter, easier to use wargame then Harpoon but it also has some features Harpoon doesn't have, like 3D accelerated graphics and quicker gameplay.
JFC has a lot of playability right out of the box. It not only comes with four tutorial missions but with a plethora of single missions and a campaign module as well, plus many multi-player options. The game also includes a mission builder, so almost any conflict anywhere in the world is possible. How do all these options translate to gameplay? I'm glad you asked.

The main gameplay screen is divided into four windows. There's a map window and a 3D-view window, both of which may be switched to take up a larger portion of the screen. The other two windows contain information that will be necessary to the player. This includes the target's information, orders and messages. It's through use of this map window and right-click menus that the units in the game are controlled.

Yes, Fleet Command works on Windows 10. I just bought Fleet Command on January 15, 2019 with my Windows 10 updated to the most current version and the game works fine. Jane's Fleet Command Rating Breakdown 12598 janes-fleet-command. This is a breakdown of ratings by CrossOver Version. The most recent version is always used on the application overview page. Click on a version to view ranks submitted to it. About the Rating System. Jane's Fleet Command Windows 2000/XP Install Patch. This patch for Jane's Fleet Command contains the v1.38 patch, the v1.00 scenario update, and updates to fix at least two known crashes. April 19, 2004 By Jane's Combat Simulations.
The game also has intelligent cursors to help facilitate common commands, such as identify or attack a contact. The ease of use in these commands may explain the terrible manual that was shipped with the game. If you've ever purchased a Jane's game, usually you'll find a very heavy box with a very thick manual. This game, however, includes a paltry 50 plus page manual that I personally found inexcusable.
The gameplay itself is a great deal of fun. The game has a huge library of forces to command and fight against, from the smallest fighter plane to the largest carrier. The game models navies from many different countries and uses those forces to great effect. The missions you'll come in contact with vary greatly and really make you use your head. The computer AI is competent, to say the least, but obviously can't make up for human opposition and that's where Jane's CombatNet comes in handy. Jane's CombatNet is Jane's free online gaming service and gameplay using it far surpasses my paltry modem connection.
Overall, while it's not the definitive naval wargame, it'll definitely keep you busy until Harpoon IV. It's pretty, easy to use and a lot of fun and should give you armchair Admirals a run for your money. I'd have to say that if you have any interest in the subject, pick this game up.
Graphics: The graphics can be quite detailed on some things, but a little sparse on others.
Sound: Lots of chatter and great sound effects really draw the player in.
Jane's Fleet Command Torrent
Enjoyment: It's quite a fun game.

Replay Value: Tutorials, single missions, campaigns, multiplayer, and a mission builder keep the play going.
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The world's foremost authority on modern military hardware, and one of the gaming world's most respected heavyweight military simulation developers have pooled their mighty resources to create... Missile Commanc?
Everyone we've spoken to about Fleet Command has had the same reaction. Before they played the game, they were expecting so much: finally, a full-on naval simulator on our PCs. It looks quite promising. You press start... 'Oh, is that it? Really? I was, I dunno, expecting more somehow.'
Jane's Fleet Command Windows 10 Fix
This... Is CNN
Months ago, our eager little eyes were yanked about by EA's press department when CNN used a carefully mocked-up version of the game's Cruise missile launching sequence to disguise their own inability to get a cameraman on a ship during the second Gulf War. Ooh, how we lorded it up that day. 'See how sophisticated computer games are? That's CNN, that is. Using a computer game.' It was as though a dozen Christmases had come at once for EA.
However, playing the game in the cold, hard light of day reveals just how ordinary the whole damned thing is. For a start the graphics all seem about a year or two old, and the collision detection is downright awful in places. It's not as though there's ever more than about four different ships on the screen at once anyway, so simplified models are just a sign of laziness on the part of the development team. As with the whole game, there's nothing fundamentally wrong, there's just no life to any of it. It's all so dull.
Playing the game, it rapidly becomes clear that no one involved with it was too clear as to whether they were making an arcade game or a simulation. It constantly hints at both, without ever really achieving satisfactory levels of either. Take training: you're given a run-through of how to control the game itself, but no idea of how to control a modern naval fleet in combat. The manual is full of key commands such as 'toggle platform range circle' without actually telling you what use the platform range circle is in the game.
The real clincher comes while playing through the different missions or campaigns on offer. It becomes apparent very, very rapidly that each and every game of Fleet Command boils down to clicking once on incoming missiles to head them off, and clicking once on enemy targets to send your missiles back at them. Everything is so automated that you actually do very, very little indeed. It really is just Missile Command with moveable bases.
Maybe that's what modern-day warfare is: clicking buttons. If so, then why aren't I a General in the Navy, as I was the best Missile Command player in my area? But they don't just let monkeys sail battleships. Not that you'd know it from Fleet Command.