- Excellent, balanced coverage of core principles and theory enables students to get through this material in a one-semester course while special topic coverage, such as organometallic and solid-state chemistry, allows instructors flexibility in covering topics
- The strong presentation of atomic theory and emphasis on physical chemistry give students a firm understanding of the theoretical basis of inorganic chemistry.
- New co-author Paul J. Fischer received a B.S. in Chemistry and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Minnesota in 1993 and 1998, respectively. He conducted his doctoral research in organometallic chemistry by exploring the chemistry of zerovalent titanium carbonyl complexes. He then accepted a position as Assistant Professor at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota in 2001 where he teaches general chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and organometallic chemistry. His research program in organometallic chemistry targets group VI and group VIII metal complexes with potential applications in organic synthesis. Fischer was promoted to Professor of Chemistry in 2011.
Free download Inorganic Chemistry (5th Edition) written by Gary L. Miessler, Paul J. Fischer and Donald A. Tarr in pdf.
With its updates to quickly changing content areas, a strengthened visual presentation and the addition of new co-author Paul Fischer, the new edition of this highly readable text supports the modern study of inorganic chemistry better than ever. Inorganic Chemistry, Fifth Edition delivers the essentials of Inorganic Chemistry at just the right level for today’s classroom – neither too high (for novice students) nor too low (for advanced students). Strong coverage of atomic theory and an emphasis on physical chemistry give students a firm understanding of the theoretical basis of inorganic chemistry, while a reorganized presentation of molecular orbital and group theory highlights key principles more clearly.
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The rapid development of inorganic chemistry makes ever more challenging the task of providing a textbook that is contemporary and meets the needs of those who use it. We appreciate the constructive suggestions provided by students, faculty, and reviewers, and have adopted much of this advice, keeping in mind the constraints imposed by space and the scope of the book. The main emphasis in preparing this edition has been to bring it up to date while providing clarity and a variety of helpful features.
Book Inorganic Chemistry Fifth edition Miessler,Fischer,Tarr in pdf. This is the book of inorganic Chemistry Fifth edition in pdf written by Gary L. Olaf College Paul J. Fischer Macalester College Donald A.
- Atomic Structure
- Simple Bonding Theory
- Symmetry and Group Theory
- Molecular Orbitals
- Acid–Base and Donor–Acceptor Chemistry
- The Crystalline Solid State
- Chemistry of the Main Group Elements
- Coordination Chemistry I: Structures and Isomers
- Coordination Chemistry II: Bonding
- Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra
- Coordination Chemistry IV: Reactions and Mechanisms
- Organometallic Chemistry
- Organometallic Reactions and Catalysis
- Parallels between Main Group and Organometallic Chemistry
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