Our favourite remapping software so far is VAGsuite. We’ve found a VAGsuite download on Mega and have added a link below. It was created by Dilemma and is currently open source and free, but it is becoming harder to find.
We have learned a lot from using it, and it makes it easy for beginners to start understanding and modifying remaps. It’s designed for editing ecu maps from the Bosch EDC15 for VAG group turbo diesels. That means free Audi remaps, free Volkswagen remaps, free Skoda remaps, and free Seat remaps. All you have to do is learn!
100% tested all solutions tested on real cars and 100% working correctly 38 car brands all popular car brands available for processing in ess software 14 options off DPF off, EGR off, DTC off, AdBlue off, LAMBDA off, FLAPS off and etc 24/7 support Help in skype, email, facebook messager all the time for your work easy and faster 3 steps - load file,select options and save file. IMMO Universal Decoding 3.2 is the best software to remove the IMMO code of ECU. The software IMMO Universal Decoding is compatible with read files with programmers such as UPA-USB, WELLON Series VP/GP, Galletto 1260, Serial and many other (not supplied with the software). Dec 08, 2017 IMMO off software – IMMO Killer V1.10. Gifts of rose, hand there are lingering fragrance! Here we share the software free to all the people who are in need, please do not use it for commercial purpose, thank you! That’s would be great if you could support us by sharing our site – www.u-obd.com to more people who are in need, thank you!
Toyota 4D Key Tool v1.2 Free Download (6) Rav4 2004: The immo box is mounted within the lower control panel. Inside is 93C66 EEPROM. Toyota 4D Key Tool v1.2 Free Download (7) Yaris 2003: The immo box is mounted within the upper center of the control panel. Inside is 93C56 or 93C66 EEPROM Toyota 4D Key Tool v1.2 Free Download (8) Motor ECU.

After you have downloaded the bin file from your car’s ECU the software will load and search for multiple maps. For example, it can identify the drivers wish map, boost limit map, start of injection map and a whole lot more. Once identified, it can display the data in tables or in a three-dimensional graph. It allows you to view and adjust the maps and then export the entire file so you can write it back to the ECU of the vehicle. We f***ing love it.
The original VAGsuite download site has now gone down but we have found a copy hosted on Mega. We have placed a download link below.

There is also a new version based on VAGsuite made by DarkAngelBv called EDCSuite. We haven’t tried it yet but we thought it would be fair to promote his work too. He has continued the open source ethos and made some improvements. For example he has added map detection for Bosch ME7.5, EDC16C9, EDC16C39, EDC17, and Siemens PPD ECUs.
VAGsuite download free (open source)
If you are on a work/office computer you may not have permission to install it. If you have trouble installing, run as an administrator, or adjust the compatibility settings to suit Windows 7 or older. You can also try running the installer from c:temp on your computer. Sometimes the permissions on the temp folder are less restrictive.
EDCsuite download free (open source)
OEM Orange5 software, free download on Mega, installation video and test reports.
OEM Orange5 software, free download on Mega:
Software Version: V1.34
See Full List On Autosws.com
Works on WINXP/WIN7/WIN8
Language: English and Russian

includes IMMO HPX 9V0 Software License
Immo Off Software Download - Easysoft.pw
Compatible with the OEM Orange5 interface shown as bellow.
Source: http://www.obd2eshop.com/wholesale/oem-orange5-professional-programming-device.html
OEM Orange5 software installation video:
Very easy to install by following the above video.
OEM Orange5 test reports:
2j74y ok
35080 ok
TMS IMMO Opel ok
Hc05 IMMO old VW ok
All functions open 1-10 except car radio get error, tested reading usual EPROMS all good. tested IMMO login code from dump, TMS VW works.
Already did few cars. IMMO SW included and also activation for other sw. No problem till now , of course I not test all but with some NEC all ok .
Immo Off software, free download Windows 7
Everything works as it should, knock on wood. Not sure is there any script but software for IMMO, radio and dash coming together with clone.
Can extract the dump of an EEPROM with a programmer and modify it with the software came with the Orange.
Check in hc05b8, hc11e9 EEPROMs. All read and write very fast.
Have 4 secured MCU and they work ok. On Hc908az60 secured and on 68hc11 it work’s just perfect.
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Tested with 1j35d, 4j74y, 1d69j, 0d69j, 0f82b, 3k91d, TMS 370c702 OK!