Face Recognition Software In Vb6 Source

Well i know hundreds of free face recognition libraries but most, infact 99% are written in C and i have no idea about how can i use them in VB. The one i found is from Intel, 'OpenCV' an Opensource Computer Vision Library. Download Face recognition with mask for free. Face recognition with mask. 戴口罩也變識得出的face recognition 將大頭照放images 下, 用人名命名 主畫面,點選encoding,將人臉特徵編碼 就可以在即時的webcam畫面看到便識結果 Face recognition that can be learned by wearing a mask Put the photo under images and name it Main screen, click encoding to encode.

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  2. Face Recognition Software In Vb6 Sources
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  5. Face Recognition Software In Vb6 Source
99 %accurate

What we do

Our solutions see people. They are imperceptible, fast, and accurate, capable of identifying a person in a crowd in a fraction of a second. They know your customers before they enter the store, or ensure a safe, document-free airplane boarding. We treat biometric data carefully without storing or transferring it, and work exclusively on our client’s premises.


Harness FindFace capabilities in your industry
The best solutions for ensuring public security


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Instantly know your customers and guests. Increase their loyalty and your sales with FindFace.
Enjoy the fastest access and fullest control over employee attendance and timekeeping with facial biometrics.
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Get insight into a customer’s gender, age, and emotions. Tailor your offer to their true needs.
Just leave a request. Our expert in facial biometrics will help you in meeting the needs.
Face recognition software in vb6 source codes


NtechLab technology is recognized as #1 in the world in the independent testing by NIST in 2021 (National Institute of Standards and Technology of the USA). Our algorithms have repeatedly proven their excellence in other independent competitions. NtechLab has also proven its silhouette tracking expertise taking the 3rd place in the Wider Pedestrian Challenge, sponsored by Amazon and SenseTime.


Our engine is capable of real-time face detection from thousands of cameras providing a continuous stream of images
Unrivaled speed and accuracy against a database with billions of faces ensures quick response and frictionless user experience
In addition to facial recognition, the program can reliably distinguish gender, age, mask, emotions as well as the presence of glasses or beards
Ability to detect human silhouettes in the video streams opens up immense opportunities for city surveillance recognition systems
Automatic tracking of an unlimited number of silhouettes simultaneously provides access to new crowd control and investigation tools
Silhouette-based people tracking across multiple cameras grants an edge in crime prevention and helps to build a safer urban environment


FindFace Multi made it possible to promptly recognize and detain nearly 100 individuals listed in databases containing some 50,000 offender photographs.
A one-of-a-kind video analytics solution was created in conjunction with the Department of Information Technologies to integrate with Moscow’s video surveillance system.
The Stop Shoplifter solution helps large retail chains cut losses to their annual gross revenue by 2−3%. Customers achieve a return on their investment in about…
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News and Media

NtechLab has released FindFace Multi, a detection technology that uses an advanced algorithm to recognize not only faces, but also bodies of people and cars…
NtechLab is trumpeting its success in the recent Face Recognition Vendor Test (FRVT) from the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), in which…
NtechLab, which provides the face biometric technology used in Moscow’s massive public security system, has launched pilot projects in ten other cities, though Kommersant (as…
Next year, in cities across the world, expect to have your face scanned for levels of aggression. NtechLab, a Russian facial recognition company best known…
NtechLab co-founder Artyom Kukharenko joines Jennifer Strong to talk about facial recognition in smart cities in a MIT Technology Review podcast “In Machines We Trust”.
The biometric facial recognition and video analytics system developed by NtechLab gives Moscow’s vast network of public cameras impressive capabilities such as high accuracy for…

Face Recognition Software In Vb6 Source Code

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Even as big tech companies such as Amazon limit their sale of facial recognition software to law enforcement, one company has not: Clearview AI, a facial recognition search engine that contains three billion images scraped from the internet.

More than 3,000 U.S. law enforcement agencies employ the software, which uses an advanced algorithm to identify and match faces, the company says.

“The way it works is very similar to Google, but instead of putting in words, you're putting in photos of faces, and it will find anything publicly available on the internet that looks like that face,” said Hoan Ton-That, chief executive and co-founder of the company.

Police argue that facial recognition software is an important tool in fighting and solving crimes. But its increasing use has raised concerns that there are too few rules in place for when and how police can use it.

Limiting the scope of software

Police typically have image search engines at their disposal that pull drivers’ license pictures or other photos among police records.

Clearview AI, in contrast, has gathered billions of images from social media sites and other websites, which internet firms say were obtained by breaking their rules.

Clearview AI’s Ton-That says that the company only pulls publicly available information.

In one case, federal agents were able to identify a man suspected of sexual abuse of a girl using a single image from the “dark web,” an area of the internet only accessible by special software and matching it through Clearview AI.

“He was in the background of someone else's photo at the gym, in the mirror,” said Ton-That. “They were able to identify where the gym was, identify the person, he ended up doing 35 years in jail and they saved a seven-year-old.”

A tool for law enforcement

The software was also instrumental in helping federal as well as state and local law enforcement identify suspects that stormed the U.S. Capitol in January, according to Ton-That.

In one way, Clearview AI, which has created its database from people’s social media accounts and other public parts of the internet, was well suited to help with this massive investigation of people whose mugshots wouldn’t necessarily be in police databases, he said.

Police were able to use Clearview AI, which runs about a second per search, he said, and find matching photos online of some suspects.

“So they were able to quickly identify them, and reduce a lot of false-positives, and also speed up the investigative process,” he said.

What about privacy?

When police violence protests swept the U.S. last year, Amazon and other tech firms suspended sales of their facial recognition technology to law enforcement, a suspension they have said is indefinite.

Clearview AI continues to sell to law enforcement, and internet firms such as Facebook, Google and Twitter as well as civil rights advocates are raising the alarm about its power and potential abuse of people’s privacy.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has sued the company in Chicago and California.

Kate Ruane, senior legislative counsel for the ACLU, said that facial recognition technology raises the specter of the government “being able to surveil us throughout every single aspect of our lives.”

Federal, state and local governments, she says, “do admit that they use it, but they don't tell us how, when or how often.”

There needs to be oversight and regulation, she said, but until then, she is calling for a total moratorium on law enforcement use of facial recognition technology.

Legislation & regulation

In recent months, congressional leaders have introduced bills that would limit police use of purchased data that was “illegally obtained” via deception or breach of contract.

Clearview’s Ton-That agrees that there needs to be more transparency and even regulation around the technology’s use. But as for banning police use of Clearview?

“Given the success of our technology in solving crimes, especially crimes against children, it would be counterproductive and inappropriate to enact a moratorium or ban of facial recognition or Clearview AI’s product,” he said.

Ton-That has a code of conduct for customers and has built-in prompts in its software to help law enforcement customers prevent the software’s misuse.

Repressive governments’ use of facial recognition tech

The ACLU and other civil rights groups are also concerned about the implications of this technology in the hands of repressive governments like China.

Face Recognition Software In Vb6 Sources

“Because the implications are terrifying,” said the ACLU’s Kate Ruane, “especially what is going on in China, where it is trying to track citizens across every single aspect of their lives.”

Ton-That says his company does not sell its software to foreign governments and is focusing for now on law enforcement in the U.S.

Face Recognition Software In Vb6 Source Codes

“We've worked occasionally with some other private entities for investigative purposes, but we've decided just to focus on law enforcement,” he said. “It's the easiest, most explainable and best use case of our technology.”

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Face Recognition Software In Vb6 Source

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