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Short demo of Alesis Micron showing some 'analog' sounds. Al patches programmed by myself. Playing is not that good since I spent most of the time programmin. Alesis MICRON Analog Modeling Synthesizer. Visit the Alesis Store. 3.6 out of 5 stars. Industry-leading Ion analog-modeling sound engine in a compact package. 8 voices, each with 3 oscillators, 2 multimode filters, 3 envelope generators, 2 LFOs, sample and hold, and tracking generator. 4 multi-timbral parts. My little demo patch (Setup 85 'MC-834') only with Alesis Micron, after repairing. My little demo patch (Setup 85 'MC-834') only with Alesis Micron, after repairing. Thanks for listening. Alesis Micron Editor Help. Note: for full operation of Patch Base's Micron Librarian, an unsupported firmware update is necessary to your Micron. The patch editor will work without this update, but not the TOC/Bank editors. Performing this firmware update is at your own risk. I can only say that I've done it myself without problems.
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