Sugar Wrong Server Location User Name Or Password Please Try Again

How to create android user registration app including same email exists condition with User Login and insert User Name, Email, Password on dynamic online server in android studio tutorial with all the source code.

Click on Other user (Note that 'Sign in to: ' is displayed) 2. Enter user name (I've also tried DOMAIN User and. Email address is removed for privacy.) 3. Message displayed is 'The user name or password is incorrect. I've tried multiple domain accounts and verified their passwords. Nice smooth install. Fixed the magicquotesgpc setting. Database looks fine. Created my first account. Got the email delivery. No error, but no login. I just end up back at the login page. I've checked my database, and the accounts are in there. I've tried resetting passwords - no help. I've tried to fail login - I get the failure message, so that's working. Once after the user password reset and making the following changes in sshdconfig, now I am able to connect all my systems (from my network) to remote server. Please Note: I have switched off all SSH authentications (like RSAAuthentication, PubkeyAuthentication and KerberosAuthentication). I have turned on only the PasswordAuthentication.

Project Description : In this tutorial we would going to create an android application with three different activities performs the task of User Registration where application user insert their First Name, Last Name, Email and Password. All that details would store – insert directly into MySQL database present on online hosting server. The technology to insert All the data on server including receiving and inserting data is performed using PHP language. After register user would goto login screen where he put its Email and Password to login into application. After successfully login user would redirect to the User Profile Dashboard screen. So here is the complete step by step tutorial for Android Server Login And Registration With PHP MySQL.

Main features in this project :

  • User Registration Form Including same email exist condition so duplicate email user would not register again.

Project File Description :

Activity Files in this project:


Java files in this project :

Sugar Wrong Server Location User Name Or Password Please Try Again Free


Layout files in this project :

Sugar Wrong Server Location User Name Or Password Please Try Again Meme

  1. activity_main.xml
  2. activity_user_login.xml
  3. activity_dashboard.xml

PHP files in this project :

  1. DatabaseConfig.php
  2. UserRegistration.php
  3. UserLogin.php

Contents in this project Android Server Login And Registration With PHP MySQL :

  1. Watch Live Demo Video.
  2. Create database including table on your hosting server.
  3. Create PHP script to receive and insert registration and login details into MySQL database.
  4. Start a new android application project.
  5. Add internet permission.
  6. Start Coding.

Sugar Wrong Server Location User Name Or Password Please Try Again Get

Next step is to create a database on your online server and inside that database create a fresh table which will used to insert User registration details like i did in below screenshot.

3. Create PHP script to receive and insert registration and login details into MySQL database :

Sugar wrong server location user name or password please try again meme

Code for DatabaseConfig.php file.

Code for UserRegistration.php file.

Code for UserLogin.php file.

4. Start a new android application project .

5. Add internet permission :

Open your Project’s AndroidManifest.xml file and add below internet permission.

Code for file.

Code for file.

Code for file.

Code for file.

Code for activity_main.xml layout file.

Code for activity_user_login.xml layout file.

Code for activity_dashboard.xml file.

Sugar Wrong Server Location User Name Or Password Please Try Again Sign

Code for AndroidManifest.xml file.


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